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Want your kids to get better results with ease?

Get your kids’ brains relaxed and working efficiently for exams with the Access Bars!

Most people are unaware that a happy, relaxed brain is the key to extracting the most potential out of your brain. The frontal cortex of the brain in humans is what separates us from animals. It is this frontal cortex that houses our intelligence and personality. In children who are struggling at school, it is often the frontal cortex which is not developing at the same pace as other children. It is no different to how some children develop faster physically, but we don’t use steroids to make the weaker kids stronger, do we?

Drugs like Ritalin increase the blood flow through the frontal cortex by mimicking neurotransmitters. To use the physical body again, it’s a little like using pre-workout to physical performance, an undeniable improvement but with long term side effects. So what if there is a better way?

I know parents who have changed their children’s diets and put their kids onto supplements that are meant to improve the production of neurotransmitters. These supplements work sometimes for those children who might be nutrient deficient, but what if the real reason a child is struggling is because they are stressed?

Stress, more than anything else, makes blood divert away from the frontal cortex into the primitive brain making children unable to concentrate, second guess themselves and even just get paralysed in the fear of failure. These stresses are all around them, as well as at home. Screen time, peer pressure, social media, parental and even school pressures these days are far greater than what we as parents experienced which is why we need to be a little smarter and a whole lot more aware about how we can be a contribution.

Enter the Bars. If you have never heard of the Bars, do yourself a favour and check out this video about it. It basically demonstrates how a stressed brain gets reset to a brain that has done the equivalent of a hundred hours of meditation in just 90 minutes.

From personal experience, I can tell you that when I have my Bars run it makes me feel a little like Bradley Cooper in Limitless. I am more efficient, happier, and my mind is ten times more potent.

Imagine the contribution you could be to your child these exams by either getting them to a Bars Practitioner for a few sessions or even by learning how to do the Bars yourself.

If you have one of those kids who you know is great, who has potential, but who can’t quite get it to click, then you should try this. What’s the worst that can happen? You waste an hour of time and your child gets a head massage.

And the best thing? You change your child’s life forever.

During this exam period, I am offering the Bars for R300 per session or R3000 for a 1-day course to learn the Bars yourself. If this sounds like it would contribute to you or your child’s life or you would like more information on the Bars, please get in touch with me on 082 686 7777 or

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