Kids Core

The Kids Core Roadshow
The Kids Core Roadshow is done at your school. It is first and foremost, for the kids, as well as about the kids. Not only do they have the opportunity to have ridiculous amounts of fun, but they also get to learn and move their bodies like they have never moved them before.
For parents and teachers who are serious about improving their skills as parents and educators, this is an opportunity to observe all of the priniciples behind the Kids Core ideology, manifested in a glorious cascade of laughter and joyful movement.
Workshops and Demonstrations
All the workshops and demonstrations will either be offered at your school or at a venue in your area. If you miss the workshop that is offered at your school, you will be able to attend a talk that is offered at a different venue.
Introductory Theory Workshop -
Childhood Development
The first workshop is a four hour long journey into the theory behind Kids Core. This class is crucial to understanding all of the principles behind childhood development. This workshop explains basic terminology, and outlines how the brain works and grows during the first years of a child's life. You will need to complete the idemnity form that would have been sent to you from your school. If you did not receive an idemnity form, or are part of another school which did not agree to host a workshop, but would still like to join our workshops, contact us via e-mail on our website and send us a request.
Kids Core Level 1 - Basic Matwork Course
Level 1 covers all the basic postures and movements and is the first opportunity to discuss how the theory learnt in the first workshop fits together with the exercises. It is the nuts and bolts of the program and is a must for anybody who has a child between the ages of two and seven.