Kids Core

The "Kids Core Cures" Project
I read recently that many oncology units in the country did not have enough funding to treat people with cancer.
What this meant in theory, is that people were not going to have access to chemotherapy as a treatment for cancer. With the World Health Organisation declaring that they want chemo phased out by 2020, the shocking statistics of the lack of success chemo has had, the undeniable evidence that chemo causes secondary cancers, and the fact that we now have many alternative and natural therapies that have been proven to be more effective than chemo, I started asking the questions, "What if this is the best thing that could have happened?"
"What if this is an opportunity to not only help people in need, but also to prove that there is an alternative to the conventional, cancer causing chemotherapy?"
I already had the Kids Core program running in schools and it dawned on me that we could use the program as a way of creating awareness in young children about the need to have a connection to their bodies and a love for movement, and at the same time, use Kids Core to raise money to assist those with cancer.
While I was planning this I started a company called Natures Cure, a group committed to helping those with cancer find alternate methods to cure themselves.
This amazing group provides supplements, herbal remedies, teaches classes on healing and provides a support system for those in need. They are the perfect fit for a project like this.
The result is a day of fun for the kids of your school, education for parents, kids and teachers and the joy for all involved in knowing that they contributed to the savings of other peoples lives.
Chett Goldin - Founder of Kids Core