Kids Core

The Certified Kids Core Facilitator Training Program
What does it entail?
Candidates would need to complete the following :
Kids Core Theory workshop
Level 1 - Basic matwork
Level 2 - Intermediate matwork
Level 3 - Advanced matwork
Level 4 - Beach Training
Level 5 - Group Games
This training would take place congruent with practical hours* with Chett Goldin, both attending and teaching classes.
*Hours required will vary according to how quickly the student learns

Certification is essential for anybody who wishes to teach Kids Core, either as an employee of Kids Core or for those interested in joining the Kids Core family as a Franchisee

"Simple, practical, and yet so advanced at the same time"
Brigitte Harmsen/School Teacher/Mother
"Why is this not being taught in every school? After doing the moves myself I can feel the change in my being"
Britt Shipman/Mother