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The Certified Kids Core Facilitator Training Program

What does it entail?


Candidates would need to complete the following :


  1. Kids Core Theory workshop

  2. Level 1 - Basic matwork

  3. Level 2 - Intermediate matwork

  4. Level 3 - Advanced matwork

  5. Level 4 - Beach Training

  6. Level 5 - Group Games


This training would take place congruent with practical hours* with Chett Goldin, both attending and teaching classes. 


*Hours required will vary according to how quickly the student learns



become a trainer

Certification is essential for anybody who wishes to teach Kids Core, either as an employee of Kids Core or for those interested in joining the Kids Core family as a Franchisee


"Simple, practical, and yet so advanced at the same time"

Brigitte Harmsen/School Teacher/Mother

"Why is this not being taught in every school? After doing the moves myself I can feel the change in my being"

Britt Shipman/Mother

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